The Student Government Association of WVU Parkersburg approved extensive revisions to its constitution, increasing the opportunities for representation and participation, which will take effect with the 2010 – 2011 SGA Administration.
The constitution has several major changes that include having three vice president (for Jackson County Center, Finance, and Communications) and five student directors’ positions that have their own area of responsibility, in which they will represent the interests of the student body. The Directors’ positions are as follows:
- Director of Community Service
- Director of Student Affairs
- Director of Legislative Affairs
- Director of Campus Facilities and Safety
- Director of Student Services
Those elected to the office of President or one of the three Vice Presidents positions do receive a full-time tuition stipend for the academic year of their term.
We hope that the new constitution allows the Student Government Association the ability to better serve the student body and allow far more student leaders to participate.
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